The trailer I will be analyzing is the Assassins Creed 2 E3 trailer. My reasons for picking this as my favorite trailer, along with the one that I am planning on reviewing for in-class purposes are as follows: - Aesthetically beautiful - Builds and alludes to a bigger story while also focusing on the relation of our protagonist with the trailer's one off antagonist. - Actually shows off gameplay mechanics, weapons, and abilities, (such as freerunning and hiring "ladies of the night") in a more cinematic light. - We don't see our protagonist immediately, he is built up as this unseen force and therefore has a much bigger and frightening impact when we first see him tearing open a rich man's throat. - Excellent music and sound design that punctuate each major action of either the protagonist or those he is hunting. - Each shot shows off just a little bit more of the Italian renaissance world to show off the new environment the game's narrat...