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Showing posts from March, 2018

Pre-Pro for my Vehicular Arena

Chemical Stained Scrapyard Free-for-all win by kills game mode with lots of environmental hazards. Jarod Reizian Frank                     Level Board Roughs References Destructible in this environment would be indicated by it being rusted and scrape, while non-destructible would be the more ornate, deconstruction equipment. Possibly have clusters of scrap be held above the arena in a magnet and dropped at random places..? How will your level change over time to create interest as the BATTLE progresses? Moving treadmills will change directions at set intervals.  Giant Crushers will smash areas that are not moving. Have the center area raise up after a certain number of kills, revealing a bunch of HP and weapon pickups. (Then dropping after a while, dropping players into the fire) This should be ...

Exploring Projectiles- Choosing my ammo

In class we learned about three separate ways to create projectiles in Unreal Engine, Line Tracing, Spawn Projectile, and Spawn Physics actors, each tailored towards different types of weapons/other projectiles. For bullets, lasers and other more instantaneous-esc moment, line tracing proved to be the most effective, as it easily travels the fastest, but wouldn't be as accurate a projectile system as the projectile spawning system. The projectile spawn system is just how it sounds, pre-built with "fake physics" that are less taxing on the game engine, and allow for simplistic additions to how they interact with the game environment, other actors, etc; though it can be difficult to implement true physics with this projectile and the nature of it being pre-built means that once you break it, it becomes difficult to repair. The last actor is more very adaptable, but has to be built from the ground up, the "spawn physics actor" puts any SM through the physics engine...