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Pre-Pro Adventure Game

Below are a series of rough sketches along with inspirational/referential imagery for weapons, enemies, and the hero. I have also included several ideas of mine about the various aspects of the game, including the basis of the story, though I expect the concepts and the imagery to change vastly as the process evolves.

⁃——Genre: Dark fantasy 

——- Color scheme: Dark crimson red, Dark Purples/blues, Possibly use Yellows or bright greens to indicate important stuff..?

⁃—-Basic Story: You are a Demon Hunter hired to clear out foul-spawn from the

⁃—-Main Character: Name Ideas: Dyspero, Scar, Gwain, Carver, Waylon, Masson 
                   HP: 10
                   Size: 1x1

1. (Possibly, might be over powered if not handled correctly) Dual Dueling Daggers: Fast, low damage, single target weapons that stab as quick as you can button mash and keep you mobile. Unfortunately, very close range, so you’ll have to pay attention to when the enemy are about to attack you.
      Damage: 1

 2. Scythe Swipe: Swipe enemies in front of you in a wide arc, dealing very little damage but dealing knock back and AOE. This attack leaves you open if spammed however, as it has a delay in between uses and can only hit what’s in front of you.

     Damage: 1

3. Crossbow: Long firing projectile weapon that is more powerful than the scythe and even a small stun, but is unable to target more than one enemy at a time. (Also has reload time)

           Damage: 2

4. Dodge roll: quick dash in one direction that takes you a short time to recover from the roll. Very useful for getting out of the way of attacks, (makes you invincible for a few frames) but makes you vulnerable while recovering by slowing your movement and limiting your ability to attack until fully recovered.


-   Demon-Possessed Human: Basic melee enemy that charges at you the moment you enter a room. Very easy to defeat, but dangerous in hordes.
                   HP: 2
                   Attack: Slash
                       Damage: 1
                   Size: 1 x 1

-   Malfunctioning Turret: Security Auto Turrets of the station that have been corrupted by the head demon. While relatively weak, their rapid fire ranged attack act as a persistent source of damage if not dealt with quickly. Slow turn rate, and their stream of bullets can be ducked under with the dodge roll.
                   HP: 1
                   Attack: Rotating turret
                       Damage: 1 per shot (around 3 per second nonstop)
                   Size: 1 x 1

- Drool: Two square long dog-esc enemy that leaves behind damage-dealing “drool.” Short-jump attack delayed by a growl when the player gets close.
                   HP: 5
                   Attack: Acidic Drool trail (and slobber ranged attack that sprays out randomly as possibly an alternate attack)
                       Damage: 2
                   Size: 1.5 x 2.5

- Flying-Eye bat: small 1x1 enemies that continuously spawn from a nest. (Have teeth instead of eyelashes along with bat wings)
                   HP: 1
                   Attack: Chomp
                       Damage: 1
                   Size: .5 x .5

- (Possible) Tentacle Monster: Writhing monster with long sweeping AOE tentacles that hit the player at a range.
                   HP: 5
                   Attack: Tentacle Sweep
                       Damage: 2
                   Size: 2 x 2

⁃——Location: Demon-infested Police station. (start off in lobby and head to the roof)

Time of day: Nightfall

     Style: Modern architecture and infrastructure overflowing with dark energy and corruption.

Here is a rough of my level layout, prior to being critiqued by the professor. I have also included with the image two ideas for how I'd like my overall color scheme to go.

Some variations of the hero, I definatly want a big coat of some sort to define his overall figure, though as of now I'm still unsure how. I also like the idea of him having head coverings of some sort, to de-humanize him, a medieval helmet may be the more interesting solution to this.

Weapons V1

Monsters v1 (From left to right, The Drool, Flying Eye, and Demon-Corrupted Human).

Below are some of the main references I used for my creatures and weapons, along with inspirations for the coat of my hero.


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